【禁聞】拒掛紅旗就開槍 藏民受傷數十人



















採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/葛雷

Tibetans Refused To Raise The Red Flag,
Police Fired Guns Into Protesters

On Oct. 6, police fired gun on Tibetans in Biru County,
Naqu Region, Tibet, 60 Tibetans were injured.
Tibet’s neighboring province Xinjiang also wasn’t peaceful.
While in Kashgar City, police killed seven Uyghurs.
The shooting only makes relations between the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) and ethnic minority groups worse.

Tibetans were forced to raise red flags on their roofs,
it caused severe clashes between the CCP and Tibetans.

Radio Free Asia reported, Cai Rangjia, researcher of India-
based Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
said last month, after a villager Dorjee Dagtsel resisted
raising a red flag, he was repeatedly harassed by police.
He couldn’t bear it any longer, so he escaped from home,
but he was arrested by the police on the way out.

Cai Rangjia: “On the evening of October 6, Tibetans gathered
at a local office appealing for the release of Dorjee Dagtsel.
The regime sent security forces to suppress the protesters
and fired guns into the crowd.
Two Tibetans were seriously injured.”
Witnesses said that more than 300 security forces arrived,
they started beating the Tibetans.
They fired guns into the crowd, 60 Tibetans were injured.

Some of Tibetans were shot in the legs and thighs, resulting
in severe bleeding, their lives are in danger.
Some people were shot in the face. They were sent to a
hospital for treatment near Lhasa.

Danzeng, former resident in Biru County, now exiled
in Dharamsala, India, spoke to Radio Free Asia.
He said, nearly 100 Tibetans were beaten
and injured in Biru protest on Sept. 28.
They haven’t received hospital treatment yet,
their freedoms were restricted by the regime.
Some injured elderly women had little hope of surviving.

Danzeng said, some people took pictures of the crackdown,
but it is hard to send pictures out due to the internet blockade.

After the incident, more than 200 police and military
vehicles flooded the villages.
Tibetans’ mobile phones were confiscated, road blocks are in
place on major roads to check traveling people and vehicles.
When people went shopping, their ID was checked.

However, party media didn’t report on the incident.
The local internet and telephone lines were cut off.
Foreign journalists couldn’t find out the current situation.

Li Jianglin, observer on Tibet affairs: “Generally speaking,
there are very little things we can find from official reports.

Tibet is a remote region, many things happen inside, but
we couldn’t know it at all.”

Since Sept. 10, the regime has dispatched 18,000 cadres
who are stationed in Biru County.
They went to the villages to enforce brainwashing education.
They forced Tibetans to raise red CCP flags on their roofs.
Especially, before the National Day, governmental officers
went to every home to enforce villagers raising red flags.

On Sept. 28, Tibetans in Mowa township, Biru County,
threw the flags into the river against the regime’s enforcement.
40 Tibetans were arrested as a result.

In the evening, 1,000 Tibetans staged a hunger strike
outside a local office.
4,000 students went to protest at school against the CCP.
The regime had to release all detained Tibetans.

Gesang Jiancan, member of Parliament of Tibetans in exile in
India says that the CCP initially carried out mass line activities
in each region, in order to show their friendly face to Tibetans.

However, it turned into brainwashing movements,
the regime even forced Tibetans to accept it.

Gesang Jiancan: “This movement turned
into a severe situation.
Now the entire Tibet region’s situation is
increasingly tense.
It resulted in many Tibetans self-immolating.

Li Jianglin told NTD that she traveled into Tibet last year.
She noticed that many houses had CCP red flags on roofs.
However, neighboring villages like Yi and Han nationalities,
didn’t have to.
Li says obviously the regime forced Tibetans to do so.

On Oct. 7, spokesperson of World Uyghur Congress
issued a statement.
It said that in the last two weeks, police in Xinjiang
killed seven Uyghurs.
However, a Xinjiang’s official newspaper claimed that
the CCP arrested at least 100 people for allegation of
“spreading religious extremism”.

It seems that the CCP will continue
to fire guns onto ethnic minorities.
