
【新唐人2013年12月07日訊】中共劃定的「東海防空識別區」,多日來一直是國際輿論關注的焦點。週四,美國副總統拜登在結束北京之行前,提出「防空識別區」引發區域內強烈 不安,呼籲中共必須克制。專家認為,中共劃這一識別區不是為了「主權」,而是為了煽動仇恨,激起所謂的愛國情緒,轉移國內巨大的社會危機。















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/孫寧

The CCP Declared Air Zone Is Not About Sovereignty

The CCP’ unilaterally declared Air Defense Identification
Zone in the East China Sea has caused much
international attention.

On Thursday in Beijing, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said
the ADIZ had “caused significant apprehension
in the region," and China’s responsibility
in maintaining peace."
Our analysts believe that the CCP air zone was rather a tool
to incite hatred through patriotic sentiments and ultimately
divert attention away from the immense domestic crisis.
It has nothing to do with sovereignty.

In a speech to American business leaders in Beijing,
Vice President Joe Biden said he was “very direct"
with Chinese leader Xi Jinping about the ADIZ issue.

He said, “That means taking steps to reduce the risk
of accidental conflict and miscalculation, and reaffirming –
reaffirming that we want to have better predictability
and refraining from taking steps that will increase tension."

Biden and Xi talked for more than five hours on the 4th.

Biden said he expressed the U.S’s firm position
and expectations,
whereas the Chinese Foreign Ministry
said that the ADIZ was established in line with national laws.

While differences between the U.S. and China exist
regarding the ADIZ, a joint military exercise will be held
by the United States, South Korea and the British Navy.

South Korean news, Yonhap, reported that South Korea,
the United States and Britain will jointly carry out
previously planned naval drills in southern waters
off the Korean Peninsula on Dec. 8 and 9.
The exercises will mobilize South Korea’s Aegis destroyer,
America’s Aegis cruiser Shiloh and the Royal Navy’s
Daring-class stealth destroyer.

Zhu Xinxin, former editor of Hebei People’s Radio:
“Since the CCP declared its ADIZ in the East China Sea,
it has met with numerous resistance and rejection
from neighboring countries.
I believe this military drill has a certain relevance
to the ADIZ."

The CCP unilaterally announced on Nov. 23 the ADIZ
over the disputed Senkaku Islands.
It demanded all aircrafts report their plan to enter the region,
or risk facing defensive measures.

This announcement drew strong opposition from the U.S.,
Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.
Defying the CCP’s plan, beginning Nov. 26, U.S. B-52
bombers, Korea patrol aircraft and Japan Self-Defense
Forces aircraft have respectively entered the area
without prior notification.

However, the CCP showed no resistance to these flights.

On the 27th, China’s defense spokesman said,
“The Chinese military monitored the entire process,
carried out identification in a timely manner,
and ascertained the type of U.S. aircraft."
In other words, “China is capable of exercising effective
control over this airspace," which has drawn much
public satire.

Zhang Xinyu, Global Information Freedom Movement
founder: “The CCP military corruption is many times worse
than the local (governments).

The army is deliberately engaging in ADIZ for the purpose
of appropriation and further money grabbing
by the corrupt officials."

China Affairs magazine chief editor Chris Wu believes
the real purpose of the ADIZ is to divert attention away
from the growing domestic crisis.

Chris Wu, China Affairs magazine chief editor: “It creates
a tension to control.
With the falling economy, it creates tension
with other countries.
Everyone is now looking overseas and the attention
is diverted.
That way it controls the entire state.

To further strengthen this control, the extreme nationalist
group is called upon. That’s the purpose."

Meanwhile, on Nov. 26, China’s first aircraft carrier,
Liaoning, went on a training mission.
It avoided the disputed East China Sea and passed through
the sensitive Taiwan Strait to the South China Sea.

Hu Jun, the Chinese Rights Campaign founder:
“Chinese people have a stronger demand of the CCP to retire
from the political arena, to return rights to the people,
and bring about a constitutional and democratic China.
The conflict between the people and the government
has also intensified.
The economic and corruption problems in China today
are too immense to be resolved.
The CCP is creating an imaginary enemy to divert people’s
attention away from these problems."

Hu Jun, the Chinese Rights Campaign founder, indicates that
this diversion of attention is a typical tactic of the CCP.
With an imaginary enemy, it stirs hatred, national sentiment
and patriotism among people so that the attention
is drawn towards the outside world
and the CCP’s ruling gets to linger.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/SunNing
