重庆公安局长落马 揭发薄熙来腐败

【新唐人2012年2月5日讯】yabo88官网周刊(305)中共18大前夕,可以说是好戏不断。近日,被称为“打黑英雄”的重庆副市长兼公安局长王立军,突然被免职。对正在博弈之中的中共十八大政治与人事格局产生重大冲击,首当其冲的就是空降王立军到重庆的中央政治局委员、重庆市委书记薄熙来,给其在中共高层的官位投下巨大变数。海外消息披露,王立军因腐败和刑讯逼供,已被中纪委立案调查。薄熙来为在十八大进入中共最高领导层的圈子,曾在重庆搞了一场4万人参加的红歌演唱会,一次花费4,450万元,重庆还举办了8,000人参加的来自全国各地包括港台地区的90支合唱队,其工资、误工费、补助费和住宿费,就可能是2,080 万。中共官场历来讲究打狗看主人,薄熙来不下台,王立军谁也不敢动。王立军被撤职,成薄熙来失势的表征,不过还有更多迹象表明薄熙来的龙年时运不济。


















Chongqing police chief stepped down from office,
exposing Bo Xilai’ corruption in the process

Prior to 18th Session of Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
Wang Lijun, police chief and vice mayor of Chongqing City,
known as“anti-gangland hero”was suddenly exempted from
the important position of police chief in Public Security Bureau.
Overseas news disclosed that an investigation has been started
on Wang Lijun, due to his corruption and abuse of torture.
The outside world analyzed and pointed out that Wang Lijun,

an important underling of the Party Secretary of Chongqing
City – Bo Xilai – stepped down from his office.
This indicated that Bo Xilai’s official career could not be
maintained.Wang Lijun himself is in a precarious situation.

“Xinhua Net” reported the Information Office of Chongqing
Municipal Government published microblog on February 2.
This said that Wang Lijun no longer serves as chief police of
the Public Security Bureau and the party secretary.
He now takes charge in the economic field as vice mayor.

“Boxun Net" news disclosed that the Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection is investigating Wang Lijun.
This is apparently due to involvement in corruption between
the official and the gangland, and his abuse of torture.
People close to him have also been arrested.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily pointed out that Wang Lijun
served in the police for 28 years.
He was suddenly removed from the Politics and Law system,
perhaps for convenient investigation.

Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Information Center
announced that Qiao Shi, together with other retired elders of
Politics & Law system, sent a letter to the Central Politics &
Law Committee, requiring removal of Wang Lijun from office.
Prior to the 15th session of CCP, Jiang Zemin wanted to
take care of his son Bo Xilai.
To do this, CCP veteran Bo Yibo helped Jiang Zemin push
aside Qiao Shi, who was deputy prime minister at the time.

Hong Kong “Trends" magazine editor Zhang Weiguo said
Wang Lijun’s exemption from important position before 18thsession, Means that Bo Xilai is directly targeted.

Zhang Weiguo: “According to Bo Xilai’s arrangement,
he was originally an architect of “To sing the Red and
to fight against the Black”, especially the achievement of
“To fight against the Black”.
With the change of his duty, now it is tantamount to indirectly
denying these things done by Wang Lijun.
It means that “fighting the Black” has become “the Black

When Bo Xilai ruled Liaoning, Wang Lijun skyrocketed in his
From a policeman, he was promoted to the director of police
station then secretary of Public Security Bureau of Tieling City.
Then later the secretary of Public Security Bureau of Jinzhou
City. But Wang Lijun is also a thug of Bo Xilai’ persecution.
This persecution targeted Falun Gong. Bo Xilai ordered that
Falun Gong practitioners “must be exterminated”.
Following these orders Liaoning become one of the worst areas
of the persecution against Falun Gong.

After Bo Xilai took the secretary position of Chongqing City
over Wang Yang, he transferred Wang Lijun over to help him.
Wang became secretary of the Public Security Bureau in
Chongqing City.
Afterwards, they set off the storm of “To sing the Red and to
fight against the Black”.
According to official reports, in 80 days during summer of
2008, Chongqing police solved 32771 cases arresting 9527.

Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun established 270 task forces; arrested
some 600 so-called “ganglands”, including billionaire Li Qiang
Many of them are private business owners. Their hundreds of
billions of assets confiscated with hundreds of injustice cases.

He Bing, professor from University of Political Science, China,
estimates that Bo Xilai spent RMB 270 billion
On “Singing the Red and fighting against the Black”.

Jiang Weiping, former director in Northeast Office,
Hong Kong “Wen Wei Po “, pointed out that
Bo Xilai took the money grabbed in the “fighting the Black”
campaigns to fill the deficit of RMB 270 billion.
But “Dragon-Soft" revealed that there is still RMB 100 billion
fiscal deficit in Chongqing City.

What has shocked the nation among “fighting the Black”
cases is:
Former general manager Chongqing “Silver Steel Group Sales
Company" Gong Gangmu was accused as a“boss of gangland”
He was tortured by Wang Lijun before being sentenced to life
Beijing lawyer Li Zhuang defended Gong Gangmu. But was also
framed by Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai and sentenced to 1.5years.

Jiang Weiping exposed that Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun
committed numerous crimes .
Among them kidnapping the son of Wen Qiang (former deputy
secretary of Chongqing Public Security Bureau).
And they slandered a taxi activist as the “boss of gangland”,
framed and intimidated reporters etc.

Jiang Weiping pointed out that Bo Xilai’s “singing the Red and
fighting against the Black” are pointing at Guangdong Provincial
Party Secretary Wang Yang, which is the Cultural Revolution-
style political movement to climb up in the 18th session of CCP.

Zhang Weiguo: “Bo Xilai’s “achievement" as we see is mainly
“singing the Red and fighting against the Black”
This is denied by both the public opinion and the authorities
because of Wang’s case.
It seems that Wang Yang has already surpassed Bo because of
Wang Yang’s momentum and his Guangdong model.

“Boxun Net” news disclosed that Wang Lijun has exposed Bo
and his wife’s corruption to the Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection including moving of assets overseas and
the issue of Bo Xilai’s son, Bo Guagua.

Jiang Weiping said that Bo and his family ripped off no less
than RMB one billion from the wealth people.
Nowadays, Bo felt a political crisis that he never felt before.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu
