【禁闻】抚顺腐尸遍野 当局兴高采烈迎全运

【新唐人2013年08月27日讯】中国大陆辽宁省抚顺市下属的清原县、抚顺县、新宾县8月16到17号,发生了特大洪涝灾害,共有43万多人受灾,网民披露很多人死亡和失踪。但当地政府对水面上到处漂浮着遇难百姓的尸体,视而不见,依然大搞所谓的“喜迎全运,和谐全运、平安全运 、盛世全运”,高喊着一切要为全运让路。请看报导。



在网民的不断爆料和压力下,抚顺有关部门才在21号声称,抚顺三县四区共52个乡镇 受灾人口43.6万人、死亡63人、失踪101人、倒塌房屋3055户、8457间。





网民发微博披露,大洪水导致清原县死亡失踪3千多人、1万7千房屋倒塌、7万房屋被淹。但清原县的发帖人,20岁的王女士、“许超二少 ”等都被行政拘留,还有6人被训诫教育。





2005年5月28号,美国《Discovery》栏目播放一期名为《世界历史上人为技术错误造成的灾害TOP 10》的专题亚博官网中,位列世界历史上最惨人为灾难第一位的,就是中国河南省驻马店的板桥水库溃堤。《Discovery》亚博官网揭露,1975年8月河南板桥水库因暴雨发生垮坝,9县1镇东西150公里、南北75公里范围内一片汪洋,现场打捞起尸体10万多,后期因缺粮、感染、瘟疫又有14万人死亡。




采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制 王明宇

Numerous Deaths Reported in Fushun After Floods: Liaoning Government Continue National Games Celebrations

On August 16 and 17, devastating floods hit three
counties of Fushun City, Liaoning Province in China.
These were Qingyuan, Fushun and Xinbin
and effected a total of over 430,000 people.
A great number of deaths or missing
people have been reported online.
However, the local government has turned a blind
eye to all the bodies of local residents in the water.
Instead, they are proceeding with plans
to “Celebrate the National Games with
harmony, safety and a flourishing age”.
They have declared “all for the National Games”.
Let’s see the report below.

On August 17, a local Fushun TV station reported
on the extreme rainstorm of the previous day.
It claimed “some villages managed to reduce
casualties by evacuating people in advance”.
“In Beikouqian Village of Nankouqian Town, over 400
villagers were evacuated without any injuries or deaths”.

Despite serious flooding, the TV news that day
still focused on how party leaders of Liaoning
province celebrated the coming National Games.
They had joined the torch relay with “the general public”.

Pressured by continuous flood reports from
netizens, the Fushun local government finally
made an announcement on August 21.
It declared that among the three counties,
four districts and 52 towns of the city, over
436,000 residents were effected by the floods.
A death toll of 63 people, with 101 missing was officially
announced, with 3,055 houses and 8,457 rooms destroyed.

However, ‘canyu.org’, a Chinese non-governmental website,

confirmed that in Nankouqian Village of Qingyuan Country
alone, the number of missing people had exceeded 400.
Another village called Douhutun also saw more
than half of its houses completely destroyed.
Both deaths and missing people have exceeded over 100.

Mr. Xu from Qingyuan County told NTD that, in his village
9 houses were swept away, and 20 people were killed.
Relief supplies were left in streets without being taken,
as, other than volunteers, there were only human bodies.

Mr. Xu, flood victim:”Our town’s crematorium is now
running 24 hours a day, and burns several bodies at once.
Previously, it would burn one body at a time, but even
like this, it is still not able to handle all the dead bodies.
You can imagine how many people have died.

Sometime later the bodies were directly
buried if nobody came to recognize them.
At first, each body was buried in a different grave.

Shortly afterwards, people had to dig
one hole to bury multiple bodies.”

Flood rescue volunteer: “We have to dig the bodies
out because the dead people have all sunk into mud.
Now we need to clean them out. The smell is
pretty bad over there. This is really disastrous.
Spraying is now conducted to control
the spread of possible diseases.”

A weibo message revealed that in Qingyuan
County, over 3,000 people were missing.
17,000 houses were destroyed, and
another 70,000 houses were flooded.
However, the people who posted the message, including
Mrs. Wang and a netizen named “Xu Chao Er Shao”,
were consequently detained by the administration.
Another six were also punished with
mandatory disciplinary education.

Journalists for ‘canyu.org’ have learned that the principal
provincial leader of Liaoning released a command.
“Ensure the success of Liaoning’s Twelfth
National Games at all cost and by all means”.
“Clear everything out for the
Game’s opening ceremony on Sep 2”.

Hu Jun, founder of Human Rights Campaign, commented.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has
hidden the truth of disasters for its governance.
This clearly shows how unscrupulous they
are, and how they disregard human life.

Hu Jun: “With the occurrence of such a huge disaster,

covering the truth for the sake of the National Games
itself is already extremely, extremely wicked.
It paid no attention to the loss of so many human lives,
and continued to celebrate the National Games.”

Indeed, hiding the truth is the
CCP’s regular move in such cases.

On May 28, 2005, the Discovery Channel broadcast a program.
It was called “10 Top Technological Catastrophes in the World”.
What was ranked first was the failure of Banqiao
Reservoir Dam in Zhumadian, Henan Province.
According to the program, the dam failure
occurred on August, 1975 following heavy rainfall.
This resulted in flooding of an area 150 kilometers wide and
75 kilometers high, covering 9 counties and one town in total.
Over 100,000 bodies were retrieved from the water.

Another 140,000 died of hunger,
infection or plague afterwards.

A book was published by the Archive
Bureau of Suiping County in 2005.
In Suiping alone over 230,000 people were swept
by the floods, among whom 18,869 drowned.
However, even 35 years after the disastrous incident,
CCP authorities still announced a death toll of only 26,000.

Zhang Xinyu, the Founder of ‘Global Information Free
Movement’ website: ”Talking about the CCP mindset,
it is like a murderer that has killed many people.
It will have no feeling when killing some more.

We regard human’s deaths as disastrous,
but it is like nothing to the party.
‘A lot more people had died in
the past’. It will think like that.”

Zhang Xinyu says that, the CCP’s governance
itself is a disaster for the Chinese people.
Therefore they should abandon all illusions about it for good.
