【禁闻】杜斌致习公开信: 我们是人 不是牲口
















采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/萧宇


Du Bin’s Open Letter: We Are Humans, Not Animals

Former New York Times’ contract photographer, documentary filmmaker, Du Bin, recently posted an open letter to CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping online.

In his letter, Du Bin described the entire process of being summoned, placed under detention by Beijing Police last June, released on bail later.

He was unable to retrieve detained items and disclosed illegal acts committed by officers in the process. He said he would take legal action to fight for his rights.

US boxun.com published Du Bin’s open letter to the CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping on Sep 10. The letter said, through my experience, I want you to glimpse at how the secret police of Fengtai National Security Team of Beijing Public Security Bureau abuse their powers.

Du Bin’s works include: Tiananmen Square Massacre describing the military crackdown on students in June 1989. His documentary film “The Women of Masanjia Labor Camp" exposes the tortures of Falun Gong practitioners and petitioners in Masanjia.

He revealed, captain Wang from the team had warned him, his works would cause him to die in a week in the past.

Du Bin told NTDTV, he did those things just to say a few words to those in power.

Du Bin: “I want to tell those in power, we are humans, not animals. You can not treat us humans like animals."

Du Bin said in the letter, Fengtai National Security Team has detained his ID card, passport, exit permit, bank card, credit card, cell phone and computer during the whole period from his secret arrest to his bail application. They never gave him a list of detained items and even refused to give him any legal instruments.

After the one-year bail period, Du Bin has repeatedly called Fengtai National Security Team, demanding the return of all legal instruments and detained items but no avail, his case officer Zhang Zongdong has also lied to him.

Du Bin: “After my bail period finished, I went to find them. Their leader did not dare to meet me and asked me to find the case officer. Zhang Zongdong told me, my bail was over, all documents were given to you, he just kept lying. Then I asked him, you placed me under criminal detention, you should give my family notice of my detention, he said he had mailed the notice to my hometown’s local police station, I said that local station did not receive it."

Du Bin said in the letter, after he was released on bail, he has neither signed the written bail decision nor paid the bond, he has asked for the written decision from Zhang Zongdong, but Zhang has lied again.

Du Bin: “I should sign the written bail decision, it should be announced and signed by me, even the details of what time I was released should signed by me, but there was nothing. I told them to give thewritten decision to me, Zhang Zongdong said he already given it to me. At that time, I really can not imagine a law enforcement officer just blatantly lying to me like this."

Similarly, Zhang Zongdong also lied about the relevant legal instruments upon completing bail.

Du Bin: “He said he could not get hold of me when he wanted to, so he mailed the legal instruments to the local police station of my household registration in my hometown. Then I contacted my sister and asked her to go to the police station to check whether the completion instruments were received. It was already 38 days after my bail period was over. The police station said it did not receive it. After another eight days, it said the instruments had come. I think he lied first, then sent the legal instruments afterwards to cover his lies."

Du Bin told NTDTV, the police are afraid of their illegal acts were exposed, thus it did not dare give him the legal instruments.

Du Bin: “They are afraid of exposure, but I wrote down the entire process and posted it online. They are very aware of their own illegal actions, thus they dare not give me any instruments. I posted it online to let people in power to see what his subordinates have done, and how they broke the law. This open letter will also be the preface of the foreign language version of one of my books. I will add this letter to all my future books. Fearing of being exposed, right? Well, I will expose them."

Du Bin revealed that, after his bail period had finished, Zhang Zongdong told him that all the detained items can not bereturned to him, because his case is still under investigation.

Du Bin said he will take legal action to fight for all his rights belonging to him.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-production/XiaoYu
