



被调查者对“你们是还在用法轮功学员器官对吧?”的问题,有11名被调查者(涉及9家医院)做了肯定回答: “对对对”、“对对,没错没错,你说的对”、 “对,这肯定的”、“没问题”、“你来了再说吧”,其它人的回答虽然含糊其辞,答非所问,但却无一人矢口否认他们在用法轮功学员器官。



The Live Recording of WOIPFG’s Phone Investigation and Evidence Collection of the CCP’s Live Organ Harvesting (1-5)
From October 19 to December 2, 2018, pretending to be the director or deputy director of the Stability Maintenance Office at Sichuan Province’s Political and Legal Affairs Commission trying to arrange an organ transplant operation for a relative, the investigators from World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) conducted a telephone investigation on the presidents, directors, doctors and other people in charge of 12 hospitals, which are suspected of participation in the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, and obtained 17 phone conversation recordings as evidence. Some of the investigative phone calls were conducted in the studio of New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) in New York and were entirely video recorded, while being witnessed by a current affairs commentator and several other guests, who have always been paying attention to the issue of live organ harvesting over a long period of time.[iii]

Our investigation shows that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners has never stopped, and it continues to this day. Also, living organ donor banks still exist in China. Moreover, the CCP’s publicizing of the so-called organ black market in China is another way for it to cover up its evil crime of live organ harvesting and its operation of living organ banks.

The investigation results reveal again that the CCP is still conducting live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. In response to the question “Are you still using organs from Falun Gong practitioners?” 10 investigated individuals (from nine hospitals) gave affirmative answers: “Yes, yes”, “right, right, right”, correct, correct, you are right”, “Right, this is for sure”, “No problem”, “Let’s discuss after you come”. Although other responses were vague, none of them denied the use of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs.
The 17 telephone investigations published in this report involve 12 hospitals in major cities of 11 provinces and central government direct-controlled municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Yantai, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Changsha, Nanjing, Xiangya, Guangzhou and Guangxi Province. The area investigated spans north to south and across entire China.

Based on investigations we conducted from 2015, at least 19 hospitals and one 610 Office (23 staff members) admitted that organs from Falun Gong practitiones are still used for organ transplants. Six other hospitals did not deny that they were using organs from Falun Gong practitioners. [iv](http://www.upholdjustice.org/node/404

[i] 追查国际对中共活摘法轮功学员器官现状调查报告(六),中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的新证据,https://www.zhuichaguoji.org/node/108500
[ii]WOIPFG report: Additional Testimony Provied by Eyewitness of Organ Harvesting from Living Victim(s)

[iii] A WOIPFG Investigation Report on the Chinese Communist Party’s Ongoing Crime of Live Organ Harvesting against Falun Dafa Practitioners (VI)
— New Evidence of the CCP’s Crime of Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners
Investigation period: October 19 – December 2, 2018
[iv] A WOIPFG Investigation Report on the Chinese Communist Party’s Ongoing Crime of Live Organ Harvesting against Falun Dafa Practitioners (VI)— New Evidence of the CCP’s Crime of Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners Investigation period: October 19 – December 2, 2018,http://www.upholdjustice.org/node/404

