

週一(31日)騰訊公司(Tencent)CEO馬化騰(Pony Ma)出席北京舉辦的科技博客大會﹙TechCrunch Disrupt﹚時表示,正在研究新的方法監控騰訊微博上的內容,他說,公司對出現在微博上的虛假信息感到棘手,網絡用戶可能認為這些虛假信息是真的。
















A New Method To Control Tencent’s Microblog

Tencent CEO and president, Ma Huateng, said that
in response to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) requests and that of the public,
Tencent is developing a new method to monitor blogger’s
Internet posts on Tencent’s microblog.
Analysts say that this is an excuse to defend the CCP’s
authoritarian dictatorship.

On October 31, at the Tech Crunch Disrupt Conference,
Tencent CEO Ma Huateng said that
a new method is under development
to monitor Tencent’s microblog posts.
He claimed that false information posted on microblogs is
a touchy issue, for netizens might believe what they hear.

Former professor at Shandong University, Sun Wenguang,
commented that Ma Huateng is defending the CCP.

Sun Wenguang: “The false information he is referring to
is the CCP authorities’ evildoings uncovered by civilians.
His claims actually defend and support the CCP authorities.

In reality, many times its officials who deliberately release
rumors and spread fabricated news.
The public is genuinely eager to know the truth.”

Zhao Lianhai, a former media professional and founder of
“Home for the Kidney Stone Babies" (Jieshibaobao.com) is one of Tencent’s microblog users.
He believes that Ma’s claims are simply excuses
designed to strangle people’s right to speak.

Zhao Lianhai: “At present, we generally accept Tencent’s
microblog, for it still adheres to some principles.
But if Ma Huateng goes so far as to intentionally control
the microblog, then we all have to express our opposing views to Tencent, and to all those who support Ma.”

Zhao Lianhai said that the practice of using various excuses
and means to strangle people’s right to speak should be condemned and despised.
He expected more people to stand up to resist such behavior.

Sun Wenguang stressed that the microblog itself is
a powerful tool to expose lies.

Sun Wenguang: “There are many microblogs.
So we all can utilize them to correct things.
The mircroblog itself is a very powerful means to correct,
rectify, and refute rumors.”

This September, Sina CEO, Charles Cao, said that
Sina is developing a system that will help control its microblog environment.
He claims that this new system will reduce risks
associated with his wildly popular social media tool,
in order to promote so-called social stability.

Some Sina microblog users complained that their posts were
randomly deleted.
Some netizens said that they refuse to use Sina’s microblog.

A renown media professional, Bei Feng,
appealed to Facebook users saying that
netizens are releasing personal information
on Sina’s censor staff in order to exert pressure on them,
and to help them realize that what they do is shameful
and that they are committing crimes against history and humanity.

Song Shinan, a renowned writer, published an article titled
“Why I left Sina’s microblog?"
He revealed that Sina’s microblog is “creatively limiting remarks”
by using methods like deleting posts, block posts,
forbidding certain postings, and deleting users’ IDs.

Zhao Lianhai had many of his Sina posts deleted
and eventually, his account was closed.
He said that he would not use Sina any more.

Zhao Lianhai: “Sina’s claim that it needs to refute rumors
on its microbog, among other claims, is simply not true.
Actually, many people believe that the rumors they say
they need to refute, were precisely started by them.
In reality, the public has witnessed how the CCP distorts
the facts and has turned the facts upside down.”

Zhao Lianhai expected that Tencent would think twice.

He said that Tencent was stifling people’s speech,
which is the same thing as holding a candle to the authoritarian dictatorship.

NTD reporter Li Yun and Guo Jing
