【禁闻】法轮功和平请愿15周年 全球纪念

【新唐人2014年04月26日讯】法轮功和平请愿15周年 全球纪念






北京公安重兵演习 引异议






反建垃圾发电厂 百村民遭500警暴打



15th Anniversary of Falun Gong Peaceful Petition
Commemorated Globally.

April 25 is the 15th anniversary of the
Falun Gong’s peaceful petitioning.
All Falun Gong practitioners are holding
commemoration activities.
Activities include marches, rallies in memory of the date and
to restore the historical truth.
Some practitioners appealed to stop the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
They lit candles in memory of dead practitioners
persecuted by the CCP.

On April 25, 1999, ten thousands Falun Gong practitioners
went to the CCP Complaints Bureau petition office at Beijing,
Zhongnanhai, to demand the release of arrested practitioners
and to restore the legal exercise environment.
The Petition was known as China’s largest, most peaceful,
rational and successful petition in its history.
Falun Gong are welcome in more than 100 countries.

However, the CCP turned the incident into “besieging the
Zhongnanhai" and launched a sustained, brutal suppression
on Falun Gong practitioners three months later.

Beijing Implied to Send Troops to Occupy the Central

On April 24, the National Vice Chairman Li Yuanchao of the
Chinese Communist Party ( CCP) and the State Hong Kong
and Macao Affairs Office director Wang Guangya met with a
delegation of the Hong Kong press.
According to a RFI report, both parties focused
on anti-central occupation in the meeting.
Wang Guangya said the CCP will help if the Hong Kong
government requests it.

Hong Kong Legislative Council member Kenneth Chan
criticized how the CCP menaced Hong Kong people by
implying they will deploy their garrison to handle
protests and demonstrations.

Beijing Public Security Large Scale Exercise Had Objections.

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau held large scale
combat exercises on the morning of April 25.
The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau microblog said
the exercise is designed to test and improve the ability to
deal with the so-called terrorism incidents.
According to reports, there were over 600 participants.

The information caused criticism and questions
through the Internet.
Netizen “Bright Chinese Sword" said: “Why drill how to get
to a fishing island, what about how to deal with people?"

Ironically, some netizens said: “Guns for internal and mouth
for external; they carry high pressure through to the end."

Beijing activist Hu Jia pointed out that the authorities holding
such drills is to deter and maintain stability.

Hundreds of Villagers Against Garbage Power Plant
Construction Beaten by Police.

At Guizhou Yan Lou village, hundreds of villagers went to the
local government to protest against taking land for a garbage
power plant construction.
They were beaten up by 500 police, resulting in many
serious injuries and hospitalizations on April 24.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
